Losing Streak: A Poem

Last year I had a procedure, though I prefer not to go into gory details, and went through a period of experiencing regular and ongoing pain.

You guessed it! I wrote a poem about it!

Physical pain, like emotional pain, is unique to the experiencer. One of the things I found myself thinking a lot about during this period was the language we use to describe the pain. How can a doctor know how to handle our situation, when everyone a.) had their own unique experience of pain and discomfort, and b.) has their unique way of describing it?

Great question, and I have no answers for you.

Anyway, here’s the poem I wrote while on painkillers.

Losing Streak

It’s weird when the pain leaves
the place it’s supposed to be,
and travels down and in and through
to my extremities.

It hurts to move and it hurts to sit
and nothing feels quite right.
Chair’s too soft and floor’s too hard
and shirt, pants, socks too tight.

I just can’t win, I don’t think;
the medicine is weak.
Nothing matters; all is pain.
I’m on a losing streak.