Ariele's Vlog: Dividing Lines

Today I bring you another vlog! I’m a bit late in posting it, but being behind is sort of my regular state of existence. If you want to know IMMEDIATELY when I post one of my endlessly fascinating rambles on YouTube, you should follow me there. Then you’ll get an email from YouTube and won’t have to wait around for me to get my shit together lol.

Anyway, this vlog includes thoughts on how complex issues often make people draw lines in the sand, causing them to lose friends and connections. And it's a little sad.

I’ve lost friends this way, and I’m still sad about it.

The thing about drawing lines in the sand is that they’re just lines in the sand. We choose where to draw them, and we choose whether or not to cross them; we are the ones who get to decide whether or not they make sense. And every so often, a big gust of wind comes along and blows them all away. And sometimes, people redraw them just the way they were.

Yes, my analogy is getting a little out of control there, but I think it’s easy to frame emotional arguments as rational, and it’s worth considering not just the logical reasons for why we put a line somewhere, but also the emotional reasons.